Sunday, September 16, 2007

An Ode to Buses

Buses are the way to travel in South America, mostly because they´re the only way to get around. So far Margaret and I have traveled about 300 miles by bus, which has taken a total of about 17 hours. Why do the buses on average only travel 15-20 miles per hour, you ask? Hairpin turns, hitchbacks, rockslides, goats, and many other obstacles the Andes present. But with this slow trek comes an experience worth mentioning. First of all, you have these views:

Clouds and towns below us at every turn.

Secondly, the buses are a scene themselves. Often standing room only, even for long trips, the buses are crowded. The bus drives along with the driver´s assistant hanging out the side of the bus yelling the destination to people waiting on the side of the road. If the people waiting happen to be looking for a bus, they jump on as we slowly roll past. The bus doesn´t stop because, I don`t know, I guess they`re in a hurry.
When we do stop to let people off, the vendors get on. Ecuadorians selling everything from warm banana bread to fruit salad to Ginseng place themselves strategically all over the countryside. They have one to two minutes to get on and off the bus before it leaves with them on it or not. I´ve seen one or two vendors hop off the moving bus. Margaret and I can see all of this of course because our heads, and no one else`s, stick above the seats made for people at least a foot shorter than we are.
So with the views, the food, and the entertainment, the rides just aren`t that bad. They`re even a bit fun.


Tori said...

So i don't think my comment came thru? eh.. ok...the bus ride sounds incredible. I'm so, so jealous. Did you get your visa for brazil?

Adam Hoff said...

Those bus rides do sound fun. Of course, I'm leaving this comment on a Monday morning as I start my fifth week of work, so I admit that just about anything (besides work) sounds fun.

Seriously though, it sounds like a good time is being had. Enjoy and be safe.

Unknown said...

Your description of riding on the bus reminds me of the classic movie Romancing The Stone where Colton and Joan Wilder tear up the Columbian rain forest! Though, I am disappointed to hear that there were no live chickens on your bus...

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Not sure this is going to post as blogspot in indonesia is currently in a language we cannot understand. LOVE the blog. We will definitely be your biggest fans. Love the bus rides. Any chickens and cows on them yet?...j and k

Anonymous said...

When I was in Honduras riding the bus there were chickens flying around and watermelons rolling down the aisles! Bad news about not stopping- my impression was teh breaks were not so hot- good luck!